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How to do well the work before the comprehensive wiring construction for the weak current cabinet manufacturer

How to do well the preparatory work before the construction of generic cabling

Clear objectives

Why wire? Because it is necessary to realize the transmission of instructions and signals between devices. The equipment is the node, the cable is the bridge, the two are based on each other. After the introduction of the system's functionality, practicability and the overall design scheme, the cable is the most fundamental medium to achieve the purpose of the system.

Construction planning

The construction objectives are defined. Then, the overall judgment and calculation of the wiring construction work to be carried out shall be made according to the actual situation of the construction site. For example, there are several kinds of cables to be laid between each equipment node, what are their respective functions, how many meters of cable length are needed, what specifications are needed for the auxiliary materials of trunking and conduit, how much length is needed, how to avoid signal crosstalk between strong and weak electricity, whether there are walls between nodes and other external obstacles to cross, how to cross, etc. Wiring planning is the stage with the most details, difficulties, calculations and energy consumption in the whole construction work.

Stock preparation plan

No matter how good the system design and perfect the wiring scheme are, if there are no qualified cable products and accessories, they are all empty papers. At this stage, do not purchase the most expensive but cost-effective products. Because the expenses incurred in this stage are hard expenditures, the higher the cost in this stage, the lower the overall income of the whole project. In order to meet the overall performance requirements, we can choose medium and low grade cable accessories. But the key is that the quality should be qualified, not inferior.

Preparation for construction

The key factor at this stage is to have an experienced and responsible project manager to carry out the specific work, to add to the preliminary work, to make the wiring reasonable and beautiful, and to pay attention to the construction details, such as no dragging and pulling, no random construction, pay attention to the protection of the finished construction environment, strengthen the cable welding technology, cable marking, and do a good job in the construction wiring diagram and equipment connection. Figure, function operation instructions, etc.

Project handover

The handover shall be clear and the data shall be complete. The user shall be trained in the operation and use of the rectification system, and the operation instructions shall be made, and a clear, perfect and reasonable system shall be handed over to the user for use.